Escape from Poopdeck

Escape from Poopdeck   The morning started with a quick mosey and some general exercises to get the heart rate up.   The Mission was to get three locks open.   Each clue required Merkins, Squats, Big Boys, Carolina Dry Docks and Bonnie Blairs…20 of each The group had 60 seconds to look at the clue and then mosey back to COT where the box was. The group had to do 10 Burpees every time…


Who doesn’t love a PT Test

Who doesn’t love a PT Test? I spent some time checking in with our boys down at GTE28 down in NW Arkansas, which inevitably leads to wanting to put on a ruck and do some PT. No rucks today, but we did take a run at the MARSOC Short Card. The PAX gathered, a brief disclaimer was given and off we went. YHC informed the PAX that there would be very little running yet we…


Carry your Bricks

Carry your Bricks Warm-O-Rama 5:15am disclaim the legal stuff and then stretch out a bit and a few SSH’s.  Then off to mosey awhile to the backyard playground, circle up in the middle of the soccer field for Warmups. Hilly Billy Walkers, Imperial-Squat-Walkers, Merkins, Mtn Climbers and SSH’s. The Real Thang On the way off the soccer field, we found some monkey bars, everyone finds a bar and do 10 pull ups OYO.   Onward to…


It’s a good day to carry the cross

Well, today is the day, Good Friday , my first q at ‘Muda and I’m rollin go n hot . Needless to say, got there on time and kicked it off Good morning- happy Good Friday – I’m your q- not a pro, modify if needed, let’s mozy!  Took a lap around the parking loop and came back for a couple warm up moves 15 ssh ic- 15 imperial walkers – 15 hillbilly walkers- 15…


Return to The Brig

After the lackluster showing from the PAX on Saturday and more rain coming throughout the day, YHC was a little discouraged heading into my return to The Brig. The PAX who showed up, showed out and I had a blast leading these men. The advantage of only having one other PAX at your previous Q? You get it to run it back without anyone feeling like they’re getting leftovers. Here’s how it went down: Warmup…


Cannonball meets the King

18 weight slingers and 4 walkers set their sights on Cannonball for a glorious Tuesday morning. PAX were advised upon arrival to grab their bell and if they were looking for an opportunity to accelerate their King, they should also grab a cindy. While the walkers were getting in their laps here’s what we did: Warmarama: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Squats (low & slow). Main Event: 4 rounds ( 20/15/10/5 reps) Squats Clean &…


Crow’s Nest – January 31, 2022

We had a great morning with myself, Speed Racer, and Tesla posting at Crow’s Nest. The Sea Horse runners went to a new location for the week.  Seeing no FNG’s I gave a quick disclaimer and we were off on a short mosey  where we ran, did side shuffle, karaoke, and toy soldiers. WARM UP Windmill x 10 IC Goofball x 20 IC Imperial Walker x 10 IC SSH x 20 IC The THANG I…


Throwin’ Iron and Dropping Wisdom at Cannonball

Throwin’ Iron and Dropping Wisdom at Cannonball We had 17 on Q (11 bootcamp, 7 walkers) for some kettle-bellin and some thoughts on worrying.  Here is how it went down: Warm-o-rama Disclaimer and a brief word about my bum left shoulder SSH, 20 IC Imperial Walkers, 12 IC Low slow squats, 10 IC downward dog, honeymooner 1/4 mile mosey with toy soldiers and karaoke The Thang: Station 1: 5 goblet squats and from the Bible:…


Inspiration at Bermuda

No Ice, Little Cold, Light Drizzle Warm Up: Neck Rolls, Morocan Nightclubs (One Arm Style Offered by Wolverine), Produce Pickers, WindMills, Plank, Downward Dog, Left Leg Up, Hold, Right Leg Up Hold, (Stretch those Calves, Heels to the ground if possible), Back to Downward Dog, Finish to Honeymooner (Stretch that back), Recover, Imperial Walkers, HillBillies (maybe not in that order, but it was done). True Story Next: Indian Run, routing around the two p-lot loops,…


Tora, Tora, Tora, at the ‘Ball!

YHC is likely the only guy in the region that was raised by the WW II generation (expect a lot of the pax’s grandads were) so this was a very special day. I grew up listening to these guys tell about it (mostly pretty funny stories) and had an uncle that was the REAL DEAL when it came to war heros in my uncle Roy Fortner who led the 15th Air Force Mission over Berlin…