Interruptions – 3rd F Word of the Month for January

Interruptions    Whether we recognize it or not, most of us start each day with a mental checklist of expectations. It might include small items like wanting to read a chapter in a book, having time to work on that house project, or getting to have a quiet dinner with your M. But inevitably, little interruptions pepper the day and sometimes alter our plans. Unfortunately, the instinctive response to these interruptions (at least for YHC)…


Immanuel – 3rd F Word of the Month for December

Immanuel The story of how Jesus came down to live among us is truly amazing when we take the time to think about it. An all-powerful God leaves the splendor of heaven, and makes himself vulnerable, helpless, and poor. Though he is the creator of beautiful mountaintops and every sand covered beach, Jesus chose to enter the world in the filth and stank of a barnyard. He is born to frightened pair of teenagers, and…



I don’t know about you, but the time between Halloween and New Years always feels like it flashes by. The parties, the travel, the visiting relatives, year-end deadlines, procrastinating on buying and then wrapping gifts – it all seems to add momentum to the accelerator of time. And before you know it we’ll be in 2020. With the additional responsibilities of the Holidays demanding our time, it’s often hard to keep priorities in perspective during…