Barracuda – Swimming with the mean fish

It was a fine morning to get a sweat on.  Pulled up at the parking lot and found only four PAX posting on this beautiful morning.  Nevertheless we had a lot of distance to cover and a small amount of time to get it done. Announced to the PAX that we would run close to five miles with the addition of three exercises at each mile.  In summary we had to maintain an average running…


Speed Work Wednesday at Cuda

If you want to run at a fast pace, you need to train at a fast pace at least once a week. Interval training, where you alternate fast running with jogging or walking, is a very effective form of “speed work.” The training schedule begins in Week 1 with a workout of 5 x 400 meters. Run the 400s at about the pace you would run in a mile or 1600m race. Walk or jog…


Q from the 6

Q from the 6 Warm-O-Rama We didn’t do it Running Wednesday 5 am Barracuda started as planned.   At the risk of not being able to Q from the front of the pack I decided to publish the route the night before.  We call it the Bonum Road Loop (backwards according to Survey Says) – meaning, run up  Hwy 49 to Copper and loop back around to the CVS.   This is what I called a “partial…


Barracuda – November 10, 2021

It was a good morning for a run. Seven pax joined in on the fun. I had a four mile route planned, but I didn’t trust my instincts and thought we were lost around 2.5 miles. Had we just kept running we would have been good. So at each 1/4 mile, the PAX did 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, and 20 american hammers (count one side) Announcements Charlotte Marathon this weekend. Wild Thing is…


Big Circles at Barracuda

Big Circles at Barracuda Twas a coolish but typically humid morn for me and the 5 studs that decided to take on the region’s toughest workout of every week.  Here is how it went down: YHC dropped the typical disclaimer, no FNGs this day so the vets knew what was going to be next. Warm-o-rama 20 SSH IC 12 Imperial Walkers, IC 10 Low slow squats, IC The Thang We ran 0.65 miles from Starbucks…


Hill Nonsense

I seen this hill by Cannonball that we never use so I figured we would use it well today. I knew we wouldn’t break any Cuda rep count or mileage records but I was hoping we could take the elevation gain record today. The hill is about .72 miles from Cuda – it’s dark, it’s not very wide, the air is thick, and Crabbie said the cucumber smell could be attributed to nearby threatened copperheads.…


Cuda meets Walker

Aaaannnd we’re back for the second installment of “What you missed at Hog & Coyote” and Barracuda could not be a better venue. The AO laid out perfectly for an almost exact replica of a small section of the Hog & Coyote. A very brief disclaimer was provided since we did have an FNG present. YHC informed the PAX that we had just completed a pain station and our next stop would be the parking…


Speed Work, Recover, Repeat

11 Pax showed up on a humid morning in the gloom ready to work, including two first timers at Barracuda.  Everyone got a little individual stretching in, YHC gave a brief overview of the work for the day and we were off.   We ran across Mill Pond, hung a left on Nautical Dr. and made our way down to Azteca for some speed work.   The loop around the shopping center and Azteca was…


Cuda Tire day

Today was the first day Pitch was the site Q.  I let everybody know they might need some gloves. I gave a brief disclaimer and we took off towards the church. I had previously set up the big tires at the bottom of the half pipe. We took a quick lap around the dark loop and I pointed out a couple station areas. Then we went back to where the tires were at the bottom…


Capture the Flag at Cuda

14 PAX participated in a barracuda variation of capture the flag in honor of the barracuda flag handoff from Survey Says to Pitch.  We took a warm-up mosey to the center of The Landing and split up in to three teams.  Each team was provided with a map of flag locations throughout the neighborhood and a bucket to deposit their collected flags.  Squads were instructed to retrieve as many flags as possible and return them…