Recovery Run Workout

We had 6 this morning for a cool work out. Started with intro, watches set and then we mosey. We ran a lap in the parking lot and headed up the stairs to 49. Ran north on 49 to the light and turned right heading towards the construction entrance. Warm up with 20 Moroccan Night Clubs, 12 windmill, 10 produce pickers, dropped down to stretch our backs in a superman pose, honeymooner, down dog, and…


Q Source Meets Cannonball & Blocks

Got this idea from the F3 10 year. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, 5 Burpees OYO Started by asking the Pax how many were familiar with Q Source, about 80% which is much higher than most regions. Asked how many Q points there are? Incorrect answer would result in 15 man makers, correct answer only 5 Moved to the middle parking lot and asked about the number of quadrants and what the 1st quadrant was.…



You like football? You good at football? Neither really matter! Come out to Oakridge Elementary Saturday 10/30 at 8am for some F3 Flag football mayhem. 5 vs 5 no skill required. Any questions reach out to myself O’Reilly or ChaChing. Look forward to another round of dominance!!


A history lesson down memory lane

The morning was abnormally humid for October, but nine men put their feet on the ground and got out to the GLOOM. We started the with the disclaimer and moseyed a bit and did our warm up. From there we went across the street to the original COT of the site and talked about birthdays. A couple laps of burpee “catch me if you can” and then worked our way to the track for a…


Jack Webbs, 11s, and Burpee Knockout

We had 4 at the Deep October 2nd including Nemo, Grizzly, Dovetail, and myself (Captain Jack).  Many pax were off at the Sweati but I suspect quite a few were still sleeping. We started moseying across the street to the elementary school.  There we stopped in the parking lot for a quick warm-up. We then worked our way around the elementary. At the side opposite the track we stopped for a Jack Webb with Bonnie…