Q Source Meets Cannonball & Blocks

Got this idea from the F3 10 year. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, 5 Burpees OYO Started by asking the Pax how many were familiar with Q Source, about 80% which is much higher than most regions. Asked how many Q points there are? Incorrect answer would result in 15 man makers, correct answer only 5 Moved to the middle parking lot and asked about the number of quadrants and what the 1st quadrant was.…


Marina Circle-o-Fun at Poopdeck

Warm-O-Rama: SSH Imperial Walkers Daisy Pickers Moroccan Nightclubs Merkin Down dog/Up dog/Right plank/Left plank Recover on our feet and mosey to the Marina.   The Thang: It was a dark and humid morning when 11 HIMs decided to follow a most-dubious Q to the Marina for a unique beatdown. At each light post, a mini-beatdown was administered in the following pattern: Round 1 50 shoulder taps 25 squats 10 burpees Repeat until movement at light…


Big Circles at Barracuda

Big Circles at Barracuda Twas a coolish but typically humid morn for me and the 5 studs that decided to take on the region’s toughest workout of every week.  Here is how it went down: YHC dropped the typical disclaimer, no FNGs this day so the vets knew what was going to be next. Warm-o-rama 20 SSH IC 12 Imperial Walkers, IC 10 Low slow squats, IC The Thang We ran 0.65 miles from Starbucks…


Hill Nonsense

I seen this hill by Cannonball that we never use so I figured we would use it well today. I knew we wouldn’t break any Cuda rep count or mileage records but I was hoping we could take the elevation gain record today. The hill is about .72 miles from Cuda – it’s dark, it’s not very wide, the air is thick, and Crabbie said the cucumber smell could be attributed to nearby threatened copperheads.…


Speed Work, Recover, Repeat

11 Pax showed up on a humid morning in the gloom ready to work, including two first timers at Barracuda.  Everyone got a little individual stretching in, YHC gave a brief overview of the work for the day and we were off.   We ran across Mill Pond, hung a left on Nautical Dr. and made our way down to Azteca for some speed work.   The loop around the shopping center and Azteca was…


QvQvQ at Cannonball

Semi-finals of the QvQvQ I got first run at it and jumped right in. Start at one corner of the parking lot Elf on the shelf, 12 each side Rifle carry block to middle of parking lot Run a loop around half the parking lot, until you reach your block   Curls x 25 Block lunge to end of parking lot Run a loop around half the parking lot, until you reach your block  …


Double Dora, Deconstructed Burpee beat down

I really enjoyed the opportunity to lead at Abyss. The Abyss was my second post ever and it sucked! I am sure Cha Ching was on Q or someone like that. Never the less a year and a half later I made my way back for a Q of my own.   The weather was nice and the five HIM’s started quick with 5 burpees and a mosey to the back of the site. Some…


Inauguration Day BOP’s – Abs, Core, Strength & Conditioning

Inauguration Day BOP’s – Abs, Core, Strength & Conditioning Disclaimer was disclaimed at 5:15am then 7 Pax circled up for some warmups on a balmy 40-degree January morning at Abyss.   Aside from myself, others shared their painful ailments and assorted injuries and let everybody know that it would be a light running day and, we would avoid the big green monster at which point I got a few Hooray’s, Cheers and overall PAX happiness. Warm-O-Rama…


Records tables, I mean records at the Poopdeck

Should be a fast backblast.  I was so darn eager to get back out in the gloom after being out of pocket for 3 weeks, and with all the excitement of being a Bills fan, and a HUGGEEEE game coming up in two days, I felt the need to do a Bills themed beatdown.  I texted some guys from the old hood this week, promised no burpees, Mile High HC’ed based on that statement, and…