In life it’s important to have a battle buddy. Somebody to watch your six, somebody to push you when you want to quit, someone to share the pain with. (Check out the Moleskin for a few more thoughts on this topic.) That’s what we had at Tugboat. YHC and Royale descended on OMS at 0530 for a nearly 3mi pre-ruck sharing the burden of a glorious 60lb sand bag to kick off our Saturday triple-down.

We rendezvoused with O’Reilly for the launch of The Deep, then off we went for round 2 at Tugboat.


We started with another movement from OMS to the picnic tables at OES with the 60lb bag being passed between the two of us. On the way we discussed the upcoming Chad 1000x, which prompted a quick set of step ups, merkins, and flutter kicks.

With that evolution completed we left the picnic tables for our next AO, the side soccer field at OMS. Upon arrival at the AO we dropped the 60 and discussed the next evolution. In every event that I’ve seen and participated in recently, it seems that there will inevitably be a time that you will find yourself in the uncomfortable low crawl position. So, why not practice it and get comfortable being uncomfortable. The next evolution saw us doing a low crawl, ruck push from goal to goal on the soccer field. For our return trip back to the starting line it was a bear crawl, ruck pull.

This evolution was followed by 3 rounds of 60lb ruck toss from goal to goal on the field. If you have young 2.0’s this is a great exercise to build up the muscle for tossing the kids in the pool next summer. With only a few minutes to spare we rejoined the PAX of The Deep for COT.


It’s always a great honor to lead the PAX of F3. I was reminded this week while reading Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven that you can’t go it alone. I feel like F3 does a great job of trying to instill this message in the PAX. Whether it’s Whetstone (Q1.8 Whetstone) , reinforcing the Shieldlock (Q1.7 Shieldlock), or the consistent use of #NOOYO, we are constantly reminded that it is imperative to have a battle buddy to go through life. Who is yours? Who do you turn to when you want to quit? Who reaches out to check on you when you’ve gone radio silent? If you can’t think of who those men are, find them.

Until next time, Wild Thing out!



  1. It was great to be your battle buddy this day! You forgot to share our 10k after all this crap… man I hated the low crawls!

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