The Return to Shipwreck with Flag Handoff

Return to the MOD 11/5/2022 Started out with a quick disclaimer and began with a Bible Verse that I read and then a question for the PAX to think about during the workout.  I did this between each group of exercises instead of running or walking.   So here we go:  Some Pax were called on to count cadence Ephesians 5:25.  Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave home self up…


Soccer Field, Swings &v Monkey Bars

Soccer Field, Swings & Monkey Bars Warm-O-Rama 5:15 it’s Go Time!   I disclaimed the legal stuff and we circled up for some SSH’s, stretches, Mountain Climbers and Hillbilly Walkers and off we go for a mosey around the school property. The Work – Part I. We ran around behind the school, up and down the sidewalks until we came to a series of benches.    There we did 3 exercises:    20 dips, 20 step ups per…


Flag Day Indian Run and Kettlebell Trapezoid Extensions

Flag Day Indian Run and Kettlebell Trapezoid Extensions Warm-O-Rama 5am it’s Go Time!   I disclaimed the legal stuff and then started off with The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.    Then we did SSH’s, Merkins, Produce Pickers, Mtn Climbers and Moroccan Night Clubs.    I shared that today’s message would be Flag Day and Patriotism. The Work First up, the Pax lined up single file, I grabbed the flag passed to AP and we did a…


Cannonball Dora

Today was the perfect example of “it looked better on paper.” 17 men decided to tackle Cannonball this morning. Here’s what we did: Warmup: 10 Low Slow Squats (IC) 10 Seal Jacks (IC) 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC) The Thang Dora Round 1 (partner runs with their bell) 100 Curls 200 Squats 300 American Hammers Dora Round 2 (partner runs with their bell) 100 Tricep Extensions 200 Situps to Press 300 KB Swings 20 Bent over…


Cannonball meets the King

18 weight slingers and 4 walkers set their sights on Cannonball for a glorious Tuesday morning. PAX were advised upon arrival to grab their bell and if they were looking for an opportunity to accelerate their King, they should also grab a cindy. While the walkers were getting in their laps here’s what we did: Warmarama: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Squats (low & slow). Main Event: 4 rounds ( 20/15/10/5 reps) Squats Clean &…


Kettlebell 12 Days of Christmas

Brisk morning 32 degrees, we circled up with disclaimer and then a quick warmup: stretch L/R and R/L 10 sec each 10 MNC IC 10 Produce Pickers IC 10 Windmills IC 10 SSR IC Mosey to parking lot: 12 days of Christmas with each pax taking the Cadence count we ended up with this: 12 Man Makers  (Cha Ching) 44 Kettlebell swings (Bones) 60 Two hand curls (two Ferns) 72 Halos (Whiskey) 80 Upright rows…


Jack Webbs from Hell at the Deep

Been wanting to do something like this for some time and was waiting for an hour workout to give it a try.  13 pax (and 2 pre-runners) got there early and we started right on time. Warm-up – feels weird, but we needed to get stretched out for what was to come.  Quick sets of imperial walkers, Moroccan night clubs, cherry pickers and then headed out.  We moseyed the full car line across the street…


12 Days of Christmas with Bells

We had 21 at Cannonball including Quasimodo, Bones, Silent Bob, Whiskey, Two Ferns, Geppetto, Speed Racer 353, Kaboom, Austin Powers, Ice Bear, Howler, Tesla, Carnival, Lucky Charms, Wolverine, FNG (Disbarred), Chardonnay, Cha Ching, Pitch, Eleanor, Captain Jack for a frosty morning.  Most grabbed bells while walkers got walking and Speed Racer started his burpee payment in honor of having 20+ at the Crow’s Nest Monday. Those of us jumped into a 12 days of Christmas…


Don’t be Offended

From Maximus after his Q at Crows Nest… Royale just helped post this! In recent months, I’ve realized how I’ve been offended by so much. Events are happening, things are said or things are left unsaid and I choose to take offense to them. I want to share my thoughts with the PAX and hopefully, they’ll choose to not be offended. Mosey down the road to the back lot with a mix of butt kickers…


Q Source Meets Cannonball & Blocks

Got this idea from the F3 10 year. Warm-up SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, 5 Burpees OYO Started by asking the Pax how many were familiar with Q Source, about 80% which is much higher than most regions. Asked how many Q points there are? Incorrect answer would result in 15 man makers, correct answer only 5 Moved to the middle parking lot and asked about the number of quadrants and what the 1st quadrant was.…