Crow’s Nest – Where do we park our car?

Driving in from Belmont was making me rethink what I was planning on doing today.  There were some showers and I had no “Deck of Death” at my disposal. Note to self:  purchase a deck of cards even if they have unicorns and mermaids (right White Snake)! As I pulled into the school, I thought we were parking at the back of the school, but I saw several cars in the parking lot  to the…


Don’t mess with the Lunch Lady

We made it to Week #2 back at Undertow over at Griggs Elementary school.  Clutch was kind enough to put me on Q…too bad it was the day after Week 0 of the Iron PAX Challenge.  Everyone hurt.  Yet a dozen men still showed up to join me in the gloom, including Nightstick who was an FNG the day before for IPC!  He must have terrible friends….Shakespeare. We did some stretching, and complaining about the…


Goodbye Camp Thunderbird.

Weather: Gloom, not much humidity, threatening rain. Disclaimer was given. NO FNGS. I teased earlier that this would be 45 minutes of Broga with 15 minutes of ultimate frisbee. This may be our last post here so I wanted to visit all the work spaces, except the gravel lot, I’ll leave that one behind. The start: Mosey up around top traffic circle, down the hill, high knee, butt kicker, to pavilion. COP: stretches, Abe bagoda,…


Chardonnay’s Burpee Land

27 August 2020 Weather Conditions- Mid-70s with 100% Humidity and sweat Homebrew-Thank you for letting me lead these 7 HIMs this morning. We had 7 HIGH IMPACT MEN at Poop Deck this morning for a few games and burpees. WarmUp: We started out with a 3 Min Run then did some SSHs, Mountain Climbers, Produce Pickers, and Moroccan Nightclubs (Don’t think they actually do anything; however, it is tradition so I do them) The THANG:…


Dora+abs=burn baby burn

Welcomed PAX and gave disclaimer. Then we head around to the back of the with a mosey. Once we reached the back of the building we did some warmup which included SSH, produce pickers, Imperial walkers and maracian nightclubs. Then it was go time! First up 11’s of pull-ups on the playground and big boys. Next up was Dora. We picked partners and I gave the work. 100 ab in and outs, 200 Freddie Mercury…


A Tour of Black Flag with Wolverine

I had the honor of Q’ing my first ever evening workout.  12 joined YHC, a nice turnout with the threat of heavy rain overhead.  Here is how it went down, a beating in 5 parts: Introduction and disclaimer given we set off on a mosey… Warm-o-Rama Formed two lines (of 6 and 7) for a quarter mile indian run, passing a 15lb slam ball from front to back Having arrived at our destination we circled…


You ate Cuda for breakfast? We sure did.

Love this AO, and the fact that every Pax that shows up is down to get pushed harder than they’re typically comfortable doing.  My first post to this AO was w/ Speed Handle, who took us for 4.5 miles and used some of the floating 15 min optional time the Q is given for completing the workout.  It was more than I had mentally prepared to do, but man, was I happy once it was…


A “Sweati” inspired workout in the Gloom

9 Brave souls met at F3 Nation’s finest parking lot this morning to push each other and finish strong.  Because many of the PAX were absent from the latest CSAUP (the Sweati), I chose to let them in on some fun.  After a quick disclaimer that they were there at their own risk we moseyed on over to greener pastures and better asphalt. We circled in front of Habitat house for some warm up and…


Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

It was a rainy and ominous start to our evening at The Brig as YHC and the PAX debated the weather and to proceed as planned or modify to a drier, more covered location. The PAX decided to proceed as planned in the rain and somewhat suspect sounding skies. A disclaimer was given and onto COP we went. COP consisted of SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Low Slow Squat, Peter Parker, and Parker Peter. YHC did not…


Speed to Burn at Undertow

Speed to Burn at Undertow It was a relatively comfortable morning the gloom and we are all happy to be back at Griggs.  We had a stranger join us this morning who introduced himself as Shredder from Denver (NC) who recently moved into the Landing.  From there he instantly became a brother of the gloom.  I gave a disclaimer and we were off: Warm-o-rama 400 yard slow mosey around the grounds, past a few cones…