Decathlo-Q at the Deep

Here we are, 10 days later, but better late than never.  Quick and dirty backblast – 4 years ago I did a similar Q at the Deep, leveraging their track and football field.  We had to change it up this time around to not tear up that field, but I think it was effective.  Here we go: Long mosey to warm up the 24 boot campers in attendance and stretched / side straddle hopped, etc…


Lots of Stuff and a Flag Hand-off at the Deep

We had 21 out on a cold morning (25 deg F) including a few runners. This post marked the flag transfer from me to Captain Jack for The Deep. It was also very near the 4 year anniversary of my first post which was at The Deep and was Q’d by Longshanks (1/28/2017). So I decided to look up the back blast and do a tribute to that Q. Warmup Mosey over to the other…


Dora Exploration

Disclaimer was given, a little more detailed since we had a 2.0 FNG. Made a point to remind everyone to be careful since it was pretty icy. We split from the ruckers and went to work. Started with a brief mosey around the parking lot and stopped at the benches under the front awning. Let the PAX know I was keeping with the theme of the week and we would jump right into working, no…


Wyliemen Annual Christmas 5K and Double Q

Woke up early, or barely slept at all with the anticipation-similar to a kid expectant of a bounty of gifts sitting under the tree Christmas Day. I pre-packed the night before to go over my list, checking it twice. Early morning text from Ferns. I was already on the move. Fired up the truck and headed to AO. I had acquired some LED lights that looked like candy canes. Dropped one at top of hill…


Kings Pinnacle scout mission run

Five of us met up for a pre look at the trail before next weeks race. The whole ride there snake doubted that we were going to a mountain.  A mile into it run we found the mountain.  AP made it to the top without stopping. He was in his element. We think he may have hooves. On the way down some nice ladies called us sexy. A nice finish loop around the lake back…


Casino Night (Morning) @ Undertow

Welcome to the Undertow Casino, where everyone loses and pain is shared! We started off with a slow warmup of a lap around the parking lot, produce pickers, windmills, Moroccan night clubs and stretching.  We then circled up at the first table: Game 1: 5 Card-4 Exercises We went around the circle playing a head to head hand of 5 card.  The winning hand dictated the reps and exercises the entire group had to perform. …


Labor Day Sea Horse Search Party

We had 7(ish) for Sea Horse Monday Morning.  With Crows Nest moving to 7am for the holiday this gave the PAX the opportunity to double down with an hour (or 37 minutes as you will soon find out) run before things got started.  Route was going to take everyone through Paddlers then down 274 to Bethel Fields.  It was good to see a visiting PAX from Greenville SC, Semi-Sweet, show for the run.  Two Ferns…