“Now Wouldn’t You, Barracuda?”

We had 11 including YHC for a humid 3.5 miles with some pain stations sprinkled in…here is how is went down: Warm-o-Rama We ran across hwy 49 to the entrance to Peg’s old hood, taking a left at Arby’s.  We ran about 0.5 miles (sub 8 min pace) to the back side of Publix where we circled up for: 15 Imperial Walkers, IC 15 SSH, IC 10 merkins, IC Downward dog and honeymooner for some…



We had eleven at Cannonball on May 26th. I continues with the Memorial Day theme and hit the group with trivia questions about several major wars in American History. Wrong answers lengthened the run. But their former history teachers would be proud, only two wrong answers out of twenty-four. We worked with both cinder blocks and kettle bells. We got in some kettle bell swings, squats, curls, lunges and mixed in some ab work with…