What does Memorial Day mean to you?  Some think of a 3 day weekend, or hanging out w/ family and friends, good BBQ, beverages, corn hole, you name it.  Others take a step back and let the reality of what this day truly means resonate – there are over 1 million military members dating back to the Civil war that have lost their lives defending this great nation we call home.  That is 1 million families that have never been the same.

Let’s start our day off in remembrance of those who have died in active military service by participating in something that is out of our comfort zone, in something that is hard and many others wouldn’t want to do.  Let’s talk about a few military members who gave it all, and then complete a workout in memory of them.  Every time you feel like giving up, think again.  Think about who we’re remembering, and the why.  Then push through w/ the support of your fellow pax around you and finish what you started.

This will be a joint event with FIA so that everyone has a chance to get out and post.  If your M does FIA and you both want to post, great!  If you have 2.0’s, even better – bring them.  We’ll have 2.0 friendly activities planned with dedicated volunteers to supervise so that they can start their day off w/ some fun and exercise.  If your M does not do FIA, that’s ok too – she can post if she would like to try something new, or just come after the workout for the post thang festivities as outlined below.

The Thang: 

  • Date / Location:  Mon, May 29th at Crows Nest (Crowders Creek Elementary)
  • 06:15a Pre WOD  – there will be another Hero WOD available for those crazy enough to conquer two of them in one day.
  • 07:30a Main event – the Murph.

To be clear, none of these options will be easy, but that’s not why we’re coming out on Memorial Day.  We are CHOOSING to show up to put ourselves through some pain and suffering, nothing compared to those we’re celebrating on this day.  We can and we will finish.  As with all F3 workouts, we will have options for modifications, but I challenge each and everyone to post, do more than you usually would, and allow your fellow pax to push you through to the end.  Don’t be intimidated by the rep counts – you can do something, and we will have options to complete at whatever level you need.

Post Thang:

  • Following the workout (estimated 10:30a to 11:00a start), head home, shower or just change, grab your food and drinks (NO GLASS ALLOWED) and head over to Kaboom and Dynamite’s house for a post beat down family pool party get together.  More info to come on what to bring (sign up genius will be coming) but we’ll hang out and brunch our faces off, have some beverages and fellowship with our families.  Again, this is a family friendly event, so I’d encourage you to speak to your M’s and put this morning on your calendar right now.  You won’t regret it.
  • Post Party at 10:30a
  • Address:  741 Fawns Glen Place (off Montgomery)
  • Bring your bathing suit and towels
  • Please do not bring any glass – otherwise, Kaboom will escort you back to your car