It was a cool 91 degrees out at the flag. Yours truly took the Q from Nemo who was out with an alleged shirt tucking injury.
I led the other 6 brave men on a random mosey with random stops and reps. First was cherry pickers, sun gods and imperial walkers. We ran some more and did a bunch of dips. We ran some more and did hillbilly walkers and something else. All were in perfect cadence and ranged from 4-25 reps. Whilst running YHC threw a football in the air blindly and if it hit the ground we did burpees.

Next up the main course! We ran to the back of a generous pax truck who loaded it up with goodies for me. We brought blocks sand bags and a 25 pound big ass water bottle to the main deck of flag. I had stations with exercises chalked out. Curls, overhead press, those weird cross arm upright row things, bent over rows, swings or front raises( if you were a man), 60 pound bag squats, murder bunnies, 40 pound bag lunges, and 40 pound clean and press. The object was AMRAP in a 2 minute window. We destroyed ourselves. Nobody spoke not even me. It sucked. We finished up an entire round with enough time to de coupon the top deck and have captain Jack miss 1 more catch for a 3 burpee finale. Ferns made an after activity visit with refreshments!

praises for test passing healing and birthdays

prayers for Hannah and Costanza
