Hey bros

15 dudes pulled up to Bermuda on this misty morning, Bermuda be having a good crowd lately – some oldies and some newbies.

We started off with what I hope was a fast track lap (I could hear Ronjon hoofing it behind me, wasn’t fast enough for him) then we stopped at the b ball court for some general warm uppy stuff.

One more track lap and we began Thang 1:

4 cones set up about 20 yards apart, I eyeballed it.

Run to 1st cone, 25 smurf jacks, run back to start

Run to 2nd cone, 50 mountain climbers, run back

3rd cone 75 high knees, 4th cone 100 SSH

Then repeat with new exercises: 20 merkins, 30 squats, 40 seal jacks, 50 shoulder taps


The next thang was a guessing game: Pretty simple 1 Pax would do an AMRAP exercise and the group would do something to clock it – the trick was another Pax would take a guess at how many reps they would get in and we would do a punishment for each digit they were off.

Example: Wildthing guessed Survey would complete 64 big boys whilst we ran a track lap – Survey came out with 72 so we did a burpee for every 2 WT missed, 4 burpees.


Big boys, track lap as clock – burpee punishment

Kettlebell swings, track lap as clock – Bonnie Blair punishment

Bombjacks, track lap as clock – burpee punishment

Flying Squirrels, 20 dips in cadence clock – perfect guess (alledgely)

Table presses, bear crawl clock – burpee punishment

Squat Thrusters, track lap clock – kraken punishment


Bermuda becomes a swamp after 24 hours of rain.  Chardonnay was seen pulling in and at COT but was never seen at the workout (there was a long necked creature with a headlamp spotted running the track once).  I’m surprised Two Ferns had any clue what we were doing as he spent the first 20 minutes in private conversation. Wildthing fears no branches.


Announcements: get on slack, Royale Q school, and others I forgot

Prayers – Noodle’s friend broke his wrist, Whiskey’s family friend in surgery, Wolverine’s friend lost his job, Quasimodo’s friends separating, and sick/injured/missing pax


Until next time,
