Dora+abs=burn baby burn

Welcomed PAX and gave disclaimer. Then we head around to the back of the with a mosey. Once we reached the back of the building we did some warmup which included SSH, produce pickers, Imperial walkers and maracian nightclubs. Then it was go time! First up 11’s of pull-ups on the playground and big boys. Next up was Dora. We picked partners and I gave the work. 100 ab in and outs, 200 Freddie Mercury…


Return To Crow’s Nest

QIC: Austin Powers WARMUP: ALL EXCERSISES IN CADENCE 20 x Side Straddle Hops 20 x High Knees 15 x Imperial walkers 15 x Merkins 15 x Plank Jacks 15 x Peter Parkers Mosey to hill for elevens: Shoulder taps Run to Bottom of Hill Squats NUR back 5 Burpees Sprint to next station 10 Burpees High Knees – ten in cadence Line up on curb: Iron Mike Tysons – Sets of ten Sprint to top…


Back to the OG Bermuda Triangle

It was time to get back to school, and Wolverine had me on the Q for the first week back at Bethel Elementary. As much as we love New River it felt good to be back! This was a big crowd today… a couple guys getting to their second post of the week with Ron Jon and Spinal Tap! making it out.  With some newer guys around I gave the better disclaimer and we took…


King of The Mountain Challenges @ Barracuda

Muggy morning for the group of 13 today. Plan for the day was to hit 4-5 strava segments and try to overthrow the current KOM with slower recovery pace between segments. Also sprinkle in some work here and there. We ran across the road and warmed up with some SSH and produce pickers. Kept it short and then pushed off to our first segment: Branch Hill Climb .17/miles: 5:19/mile. Tie between me and Crabby on…


Simmons VQ BackBlast at the Crow’s Nest!

16 HIMs were present at the Black Crow on this balmy Monday morning for my first Q! I wasn’t comfortable enough yet with adding cadence to the workout so I put together a simple but brutal board of pain.  We started with a lap around the building and jumped right into 25 burpees which set the mood real quick. 😉 We then did 2 laps then 100 merkins, 3 laps then 100 lunges, 4 laps…


Black Crow Sweat Shop

It was quite a steamy and muggy gloom at Black Crow today, but the pax was ready to get after it. So we began at 5:15 sharp with a the normal disclaimer and took off for little mosey around the shopping center and quickly accomplished a bit of COP favorites (SSH, Producer Pickers, Windmill, Imperial Walkers and high-knees) to get our mojo flowing. Next we took another mosey down to the business offices where we…


11’s meet Dora

Well 11 showed up for my subsaQ. After a welcome and brief disclaimer we headed off on a little mosey. We circled up and had a nice warm up of Imperial walkers, produce pickers, maracian nightclubs and hillbilly walkers. Next up was a round of different versions of SSH and merkins in rotation. First SSH 20 count in cadence then merkin 10 count in cadence. Next seal Jax same count then diamond merkins. Next smurf…


PR Day

Today was PR Day at Barracuda and we had 10 pax accept the challenge. The point was to test yourself and see where you are with endurance, strength and will power. Im hoping to do these every 8 weeks or so you can track your progress. The plan was simple.. Below is what we did. 5k- Race pace Then…2 minutes of each exercise AMRAP -Merkins -Bombjacks -Crunchy Frogs -6in plank (as long as you can…


Block work at Bermuda

Welcomed the PAX with a brief disclaimer. Then off for a quick parking lot mosey. Circled up for some warmup stretches which included SSH, Maracan night clubs, windmills, sun gods and produce pickers. Then headed to the concrete pad where I had the pax count off by 2. We had a relay race to run. Everyone had a cinderblock and there was one awaiting on the other end of the parking lot. First person in…


“Balls of Destiny” Come to Black Crow (Crow’s Nest)

“Balls of Destiny” Come to Black Crow (Crow’s Nest) We had 16 including and FNG (Quasimodo, Father in Law of Chardonnay) for ball filled grab bags of pain at Black Crow this morning.   Here is how it went down: Warm-o-Rama Quick disclaimer as well as F3 Mission Statement and Core Principals run down, since we had an FNG 500 yard mosey around the back of Publix to the far side 8 windmills, IC 11 Weed…