Tabata of Pain

Started to stretch out as Whiskey and Noodle pull up.  Noodle is grinning ear to ear since he just got new shoes and did a five mile pre-run.  Whiskey wasn’t as happy and mumbled that he hoped we weren’t going far.  Good thing for Whiskey – we weren’t. Let everyone roll in, made the disclaimer and got to work. We moseyed to the top of the hill by snaking through the parking lot and circled…


Black Flag Gasser (Intervals, 7 of Diamonds)

We had 5 PAX post at the Black Flag for descending interval leg work, merkins and a partner variation of the 7 of Diamonds.  Shades, Peg and myself thought that a pre run was a good idea, but we were mistaken.  It was a toasty evening up on the Black Flag hill and we were winded before we even started.  Multiple PAX complained of dehydration throughout the evening.  The splitting headache that I woke up…


Body by Fudd (VQ)

Body By Fudd 3-22-21 My first VQ, I started off with disclaimer….We started with a light mosey up the hill and got into a circle. The warm-up was 25 SSHs, and 10 Merkin Pyramids After warm-up, I stepped off 25 yards….for 15 min. we bear crawled 12.5 yards, then finished the 12.5 yards with toy soldiers. At the end of the 25 yards, we did 5 SSHs, and mosey back to the beginning. After that…


Lots of Running and Brick Work

We just had two for a clear evening at the Black Flag, just Pitch and myself (Captain Jack). Since it was just Pitch and me, I figured we could start with some running.  To warm up, we did a mile run to the southern bridge, up to the intersection, and back. Next, we jumped into a high rep Dora using some bricks I recently acquired.  We each took two bricks and alternated accumulating reps or…


Hill Repeats

We got in some running.  Everyone had running gear so, why not? Disclaimer given so Peg could hide his wallet better in his Jeep.  We took off for a mosey over to Cannonball.  One mile on dot as we hit the door.  Did some stretching and then a nice Warm O Rama that went Cherry Pickers, Windmills, and SSH’s.  Everyone adjusted their laces and we took off again. Headed back to Black Flag and stopped…


Bear and Block Mini CSAUP at Black Flag

Me and Hound got there a little early and got a pre-run in. He’s doing a little better at running. Then when I got back Chardonnay and Shades were there so three of us went the same route which was to the church and back. When we got back a few others were showing up. I explained to them the process of what we were going to do tonight. Which a mini version of CSAUP…


The Hightower Part II

The Hightower Part II      F3 Lake Wylie Black Flag At 7pm, the Disclaimer was disclaimed and then 3 HIM’s moseyed across the asphalt and then down through the flowing pasture lands, We ran down and around the 15-foot cross adjacent to the Lake Wylie monument and flags.    The weather was a beautiful 44 degrees with a 75% chance of rain … but it didn’t rain.   Then near the end of the mosey, whilst running…


Poker Night at the Black Flag

We had 5 for a clear evening at the Black Flag.  This included Shades, Whiskey, Fudd, Vanilla Ice, and myself (Captain Jack). Of the two Qs I had planned, we went with the more laid back one.  We played poker based on a backblast I saw from Woodchuck in the York region. Here’s how it worked: Dealer chooses the exercise. Ante is 5 reps. 5 cards are dealt.  One draw is offered to each player…


O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

This was my 2nd Q and I was able to convince my 2.0 (Drift) to walk away from the Switch and join in on the fun.  We arrived early to set up lights in the picnic area so that unsuspecting pax would be able to see the work we had planned.  I noticed that the area was filled with half consumed soda’s, grocery bags, a blanket and even an iPAD left on a charger.  I…


Santa Around the World

Christmas Q.  Year 3.   There were 7 of us tonight on this brisk, cool evening.  I strolled out of the car in very warm clothes.  Thriller was standing around in shorts and a t-shirt.  The young man is a boss.  Silent Bob showed up in a Christmas sweater and Santa cap.  Should be the standard for Christmas workouts IMO. I gave them the overview… We travel the world to “deliver toys” on the route…